Friday, January 28, 2005

Killer tip for DOS Maniacs in an XP environment . . .

Speedy directory navigation at the Command Prompt

If you spend time working at the Command Prompt, you know how
frustrating it can be to navigate between different folders
using the Change Directory (CD) command. For example, if the
folder name contains multiple words, you must remember to
enclose the name in quotes. And, if there's even one typo in the
folder name, you have to start all over. Fortunately, you can
use the Command Prompt history feature to easily correct typos
without having to type the entire command from scratch.

However, you can save yourself from ever having to type folder
names at the Command Prompt simply by using [Tab]. Here's how:

1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Type CD, press the space bar once, and then press [Tab].

As you continue to press [Tab], Windows XP will display the name
of every subfolder contained in the current folder. If the
folder name contains multiple words, Windows XP automatically
encloses the name in quotes. When you see the folder to which
you want to navigate, all you have to do is press [Enter].

Mail was from Vijay M Verma
- The Visioner in the world of Illusions....
Read my Blog at :
to find out more about me and my thoughts.

German engeneers help the USA - what your government is not telling you

German engineers help the USA - what your government is not telling you

Something worth reading after the Massive 9/11. Some architectural arguments with some real explosive stuff discussed, how genuine, ratify yourself and read through . . . Pretty Smashing I believe. . .

Friday, January 21, 2005

Buying a home? Don't get cheated

Folks, this one is a real neat piece of information for who are and would be looking to buy up flats and properties. . . Gives a decent idea of what to talk and what to be careful of with the builders. .

Buying a home? Don't get cheated

This link takes you through the details. That's as of now . .

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hi Folks . .

Hi Folks,
   It has been a while since we have been firing mails on this Yahoo group ID. Taking a step further, let me introduce you to the world of blogging, Many of you would have been using it and also known pretty well about it, I found an interesting piece of technology which lets you publish by shooting it as an email. Well, this email is coming to you in the same fashion.
So from now onwards, you want to tell to the whole world, just fire a mail to : and see your message posted to : with a few moments.
Try out buddies and let me know how you feel about it.
Have a nice day and life. .
With regards,

       Mail was from  Vijay M Verma
- The   Visioner in the world of   Illusions.... 
to find out more about me and my thoughts.

Do you Yahoo!?
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.